Hi, I'm Bhanu Kiran. I...

My Experience

Specialist in need. Generalist at heart.


  • html(5)
  • css(3)
  • C
  • Java
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • Jquery
  • Bootstrap
  • Api | Ajax


  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • ExpressJS
  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • Django | Python


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Github && Bitbucket
  • Heroku
  • AWS


Here are few of my previous works.

Spacex Dashboard


This is a website that shows the dummy data provided by spacex API in a Dashboard format.

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Twitter Clone


A React app that just looks like Twitter, this is a clone version of it. Made with material-ui, reater-router and other self designed components. Fetches real time data from the official twitter API connected with our twitter account.

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Stackoverflow Question Lister


A React app that's used to list the profiles of StackOverFlow users, it lists them in a simpliefied order where in we can select the answers of ones with the highest rating. Uses StackOverFlow API to get ral time data.

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Google Clone


This is a Web App used to locate Star Bucks

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Amazon Clone


A React app that just looks like Amazon, this is a clone version of it. Made with material-ui, reater-router and other self designed components.

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Google Store Locator


This is a Web App used to locate Star Bucks

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Face Detection App


This is a Web App used to detect face in a Image

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Weather App


A app that's used to search for your friends

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Covid-19 Landing Page


A Simple Covid-19 Landing page

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Robo Friends


A app that's used to search for your friends

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About me!

I'm Bhanu Kiran... and I'm currently persuuing my Diploma in CSE at SJP, Bangalore. Few years ago I was blown out after using a computer and was thinking how the hell does it work? and now primarily a Full Stack Stack Web Developer and Passionate about Computers and currently exploring Cyber Security!